Tuesday, October 15, 2013


After you have gotten your fix of modern military science fiction, you really should go check out the quirkier side of kickstarter with HELP FUND MY ROBOT ARMY!!!  Based on the short story of the same name by Keffy R. M. Kehrli published at Lightspeed Magazine, that delicious little piece of fiction convinced editor John Joseph Adams that a whole anthology based on the concept of  improbable kickstarters needed to happen. After all the kickstarters I've been involved with... I CONCUR. 

My part in this is small, I just drew some robots. These ones:

illustration by galen dara for FUND MY ROBOT ARMY

A little something about me: I don't think I could draw a nice neat straight line to save my life. My robots tend to be loopy.  Here's some WIP sketches as I played with robots:
initial loopy-style robots

preliminary grouping for a robot army
eventually the grouping went this way, for simplicity and the ominous robot factor.
For more info about Help Fund HELP FUND MY ROBOT ARMY and for KITTIES!! watch the trailer:

(And to conclude, you really must keep the Women Destroy SF special issue of Lightspeed on your radar for next year)

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