~Take a Life Drawing class from the local community college to sharpen up my anatomical drafting skills.
~Subscribe to Lynda.com and learn a few new tricks in Photoshop (not to mention Illustrator).
~Find and implement additional online tutorials and tips and tricks to freshen up my process.
~Take the plunge and upgrade to the current Photoshop version.
~Obtain Corel Painter. (and learn how to use it. Thanks Lynda!)
~Utilize my community of writer and artist friends for feedback & criticism on my current art projects
~Target those specific areas/subjects that I am weakest at drawing and study the hell out of them. (For me, that would be architecture, furnishings, backgrounds, location-specific scenes, scenes containing multiple figures, {the list goes on}...)
~Etc, etc, etc...
And also...
~Sign up for the Illustration Masters Class. (Which I just did. **GULP/GASP!!!**)