Wednesday, June 8, 2011

World Horror Con (a collection of sharpie tattoos)

This post is way over due. Life was busy. But now I have a moment to breath, so here you go.

I went to the World Horror Convention back in May!! Here is Andy's write up (which I found very inspiring), Andy's set of photos, Steve's set of photos, Bear's set of photos, and John's set of photos, documenting the event. (I used to be good at photo-documenting... but not so much anymore.)

Oh... and I was in the art show! Here are some photos John's took regarding that. :)

There is so much I *should* say about the whole experience. But mostly... I got a chance to take my sharpy out and put some tattoos on a few friends. That_was_awesome.

Here's a glimpse of some of them, thanks to the photography of Andy and John:

. @galendara working on @erikaholt's tattoo. At least I think it's @erikaholt.

a green fairy?

Take these broken wings.

One last @galendara tattoo picture, on the radiant @jaymgates.

Galen makes a temp tattoo of the characters from my story, "Semele's Daughter."

And then Andy drew one on me! (I am seriously considering getting it made permanent.)

. @inkgorilla inks an Earthquake Fish onto @galendara's shoulder


  1. If you give me a sharpie tattoo when you come up for Orycon, I might never bathe again!

    Errr ... maybe that's not the incentive I meant it to be. ;)

  2. err... hahahahah!! well, that's what the photos are for :P

  3. Tattoo night was fun! Might have to become a con tradition, eh? :P
